Dr. Wilbur Chapman had a hard time and he had to travel to the west. One of his old kinsmen came to say good-bye and handed him a small piece of paper. Dr. Chapman looked at the paper; it was a signed check with his name on it but no money amount.
He asked his kinsman, “Do you mean to give me a blank check to write any amount I want?”
“Yes,” said his wealthy kinsman, “I don’t know your situation or your needs. Fill it up with any amount you need.”
Dr. Chapman went on his trip and came back without using the check but he felt comfortable knowing that he had access to millions if he needed.
This is what Jesus gave us for our trip in this world, a blank check, as it is said,
→ English translation of the story here at St-Takla.org: شيك مصرفي على بياض!
You fulfill all my needs,
You the Divine Treasure.
For You only I open my hands,
And for You only I open my mouth,
So that You fill my depth,
O the essence of my satisfaction.
Why should I beg a human for love,
Or ask for praise or a sweet word,
When You reside in me!
You are the entire glory, You grant sweetness.
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