John's mom asked him to buy a few things on his way back from school. He bought the items but he did not wish to ask her for the money. So he left her a note saying:
Mom owes John:
Bread 25
Salt 60
Matches 15
Total "Total 100"
John left the note on the table. His mom saw the note and she ignored it. At dinnertime he found a dollar with a note, saying:
"John owes mom"
Cloths free
Food free
Care and kindness Free
Total "Total none"
John read mom’s note, was touched and tears came down from his eyes and he went to the kitchen. He hugged and kissed his mom and returned the dollar to her. In the evening mom offered John $5 and said to him, “Our love is above all.
→ English translation of the story here at الأم مدينة لجون.
Thank You Lord for the family \l 4 "Thank You Lord for the family love"
You are our Father.
The Church is our Mother.
How can we pay You back for Your Divine Love!
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