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One of the monks used to enter the church of the monastery before doing any work. He used to walk to the Altar in awe worshiping and glorifying the Lord. His job was to prepare food for the monks. He entered the church and worshiped God as usual. As he looked to the Altar he saw Jesus Christ appearing to him with His glory. He looked at Jesus for few seconds and said,
“I don’t deserve to see You.
I really desire not to leave You.
Now I’ve to prepare food for my brethren.
They’re Your sons and I serve them for Your sake.
Do You allow me to leave and serve them?
Can You wait for me?
I long to look at You O The Lover of mankind.”
The monk left the church and went to serve his brethren praising God. After finishing his work he went to the church to find Christ waiting for Him joyfully.
→ English translation of the story here at St-Takla.org: هل يُمكن أن تنتظرني؟
Let me see You in my brethren.
I serve You in them, You who serve all.
I rejoice with serving them thus I rejoice on seeing You.
May I love You in them practically not with words.
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