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Nicene and Post Nicene-Fathers, Vol. I:
Letters of St. Augustin: Index of Subjects: Letters of St. Augustin: Index of Subjects

Early Church Fathers  Index     

p. 610



Academic philosophy, 401‑407, 444

Acclamations in ecclesiastical meetings, 569

Ambrose, conversation of Monica with, 270, 300

Anaxagoras refuted 446

Anaximenes refuted, 446

Anecdote of Vendicianus 482

Anecdote of Gennadius, 514,

Anecdote, humorous, 533

Anecdote of Dioscorus, 576

Anger, remarks on, 271

Apuleius of Madaura, 487

Astrology, absurdities of, 588, 589

Baptism not to be repeated, 243

Baptism of infants, 409, 410, 526-530, 532

Bishop, the office of

its nature, 277

motives to resign or accept it, 325, 326

Bodily infirmities, reference to Augustin's, 271, 452, 509, 593

Catholic Church, the, 388‑390

Catholic faith, restoration of Leporius to, 572

Christ commended to Licentius, 248

to Dioscorus, 445

to Volusianus, , 478

Christ, name of, known throughout the world, 586

Christ preaching to the spirits in prison, 515-521

Christian churches, social influence of, 377, 484

resorted to in time of trouble and distress, 579

Christian Dispensation, epoch of, 416‑418

Christian Dispensation, peculiarities of, 418‑420

Christian meekness, 483‑486

Christian excellence, a fine example of, 507

Christianity, evidences of, 478‑480

Christianity favourable to national prosperity, 485‑487

Conciliation, endeavours after,

with Donatists, 242, 244, 262, etc.

with Jerome, 329 331

with unknown bishop, 498

Conscience, cases of, resolved, 290, 294

Consolation to a bereaved sister, 591‑593

Conversion of Dioscorus, marvellous, 576

Councils, authority of, 282

Cross, symbolical significance of the, 311

Cutzupits or mountain men, 298

Danger, bishops should not desert their sees in time of, 577‑581

Death‑bed, a triumphant, 509‑512

Debate between Fortunius and Augustin, 285‑290

Deliverance of Christian captive, remarkable, 436

Democritus refuted, 448‑450

Disinterestedness of Augustin, 362

Dispensations, unity of Old and New Testament, 481‑483

Donatists, controversy with 276‑285

Dove, the form of a, symbol of the Holy Ghost, 541, 542

Dreams, marvellous, 510, 512, 513, 514

Dreams, phenomena inexplicable, 513, 514

Dress of women, 588

Easter, observance of, 308‑312

Ecclesiastical cases

Timotheus, 319, 320

Quintianus, 321, 332

Abundantius, 322

Boniface and Spes, 345‑348

Pinianus, 459

Antonius of Fussala, 560‑562

Election of Augustin's successor, record of proceedings at, 568-570

Epicureans refuted, 443

Epicureans extinct in fifth century, 442, 445

Epicurus refuted, 448

Eternity of punishment, 420, 422

Eucharist to be taken fasting, 301

Excommunication, example of rash, 589, 590

Faith, perfect understanding not essential to, 425, 426, 539, 540

Falsehood in no case excusable, 251, 273, 351, 357, 547, 548

Fasting before taking the Eucharist, 302, 303

Feasts in honour of martyrs, censured, 239-241

abolished at Hippo, 253‑256

Forbearance, duty of mutual, 562-563

Ghostly apparitions, 511, 512

God not seen with the bodily eyes, 498, 499

Grace, human dependence on, 496, 497, 549-551, 571

Greek, Augustin's imperfect knowledge of, 251, 275

Heavenly‑mindedness, 451, 459‑462

Hebrew, Augustin's ignorance of, 303, 327

Humility of Augustin, 236, 237, 241, 250, 270, 491, 494

Humility commended, 454

Hymn of Priscillianists, 457

Incarnation, nature of, 474‑477, 541, 542

Infantile protest against idolatry, marvellous, 408

Infants, sufferings of, difficult to account for 526, 528‑531

Irony, 234, 235, 267, 295, 298, 377, 378, 588

Jonah's gourd, discussion as to, 327, 342, 361

Jonah's history defended and allegorized, 422, 423

Jupiter, Apollonius more respectable than, 489

Latin clerks scarce in Palestine, 544

Lent, observance of, 312

Letter to Jerome, tedious journey of, 328

Loaf exchanged between Christian friends, 246, 260

Love of God, 309, 553

Love, brotherly, 55

Manuscripts stolen from Jerome, 544

Martyrs of Suffectum, 295

Maundy Thursday, how observed, 302, 303

Mercy to man recompensed with mercy from God, 538

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Monks, counsels to, 294, 378, 362

Moon, the, a symbol of the Church, 305, 306

Murder, judicial, of Marcellinus, 505‑508

Music, symbolical value of, 473, 527

Numbers, significance of, 308‑309, 312‑314

Nun, on Demetrias becoming a, 504

Nuns rebuked for unseemly strife, 563, 564

Nunneries, rule of Augustinian, 564-568

Oath, binding nature of an, 453‑455, 458, 459

Occupations of Augustin, multifarious, 223, 414, 489, 539, 543, 570

Ordination of Augustin, reference to, 238, 570

Pagan objections to Christianity, 233, 234, 422, 423, 472, 473

Paganism, arguments against, 234, 235, 295, 377, 378, 406, 585‑587

Paper scarce, 232

Patience of Augustin, 271

Patience recommended, 450, 451, 469

Pelagianism, warnings against, 549‑552

Pelagianism, measures against, 554‑556

Persecution, earlier views of Augustin on, 289

later views of Augustin on, 367, 375, 382‑386, 388‑390, 543, 545, 547

Peter, successors of St., 298

Piety of Augustin, 222, 228, 294, 307

Praise should not be vehemently desired, 583

Prayer, subjects of, 462‑464, 466

Prayer, continuance in, 464, 465

Prayer, use of, 465

Preaching, example of Augustin's power in, 253‑255

Preaching of presbyters, 275

Presents received by Augustin, 504, 572, 597

Pride censured, 240, 241

Punic language, preaching in, 364

Reading of Scripture in churches, 327

Rebuke of worldliness in a priest, 364, 365

Relics of St. Stephen, 568

Remorse, pangs of, 508

Resurrection of Christ and of Lazarus compared, 414‑417

Riot at Calama, 378

Riotous election of Pinianus at Hippo, 455, 456

Rites and ceremonies of the Church, 300‑315

Rome, sieges of, referred to, 410

Rome, Bishop of, appealed to, 560-562

Sabbath, law of the, typical, 310

Saints, miracles wrought at tombs of, 346

Sanctuary, churches used as a, by offenders, 436, 437, 589

Scandals in the Church no reason for forsaking it, 283, 284, 345, 558-560

Scriptures, Augustin's study of the, 238, 313

Scriptures superior to all other writings, 413, 470, 480

Scriptures, authority of, 490

Septuagint version, Augustin's undue reverence for, 347

Sin, essential nature of, 537‑538

Sin, true hatred of, 496, 497

Soldier, advices to a, 553, 554, 581, 582

Soul, nature of the, 523‑525

Souls, origin of, 491‑494

Souls, condition of disembodied, 512-514

Spirits in prison, who were the, 519-521

Stoics, doctrines of, refuted, 443, 444, 534‑537

Stoics extinct in fifth century, 442, 445, 446

Sympathy, Christian, 470, 471

Torture, examination by, 470

Trinity, mystery of the, 229‑230, 540, 541

Violence of barbarians, 433‑437

Violence of Donatists, 264, 371, 372, 433, 470

Virtue, degrees of, 354, 355

Ward of the Church, concerning marriage of, 591

Widows especially called to pray, 468

World, vanity of this, 558

Worldliness, warnings against, 573-576

Worship, public, 256, 375

Zeal, an example of Christian, in Orosius, 523

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