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English Bible Dictionary



  1. Zechariah the Prophet

  2. Zechariah, son of Meshelemiah

  3. Zechariah, son of Jehiel

  4. Zechariah the Levite of the second order in the temple band

  5. Zechariah, prince of Judah

  6. Zechariah, son of the high priest Jehoiada

  7. Zechariah, Kohathite Levite in the reign of Josiah

  8. Zechariah, leader of the sons of Pharosh

  9. Zechariah, son of Behai

  10. Zechariah, chief of people with Ezra

  11. Zechariah, of the family of Elam who had married a foreign wife

  12. Zechariah, ancestor of Athaiah

  13. Zechariah the Shilonite, descendant of Perez

  14. Zechariah the priest, son of Pashur

  15. Zechariah, representative of the priestly family of Iddo

  16. Zechariah the priest, son of Jonathan

  17. Zechariah, chief of the Reubenites

  18. Zechariah the priest, accompanied the ark from the house of Obed-edom

  19. Zechariah, son of Isshiah

  20. Zechariah, son of Hosah

  21. Zechariah the Manassite

  22. Zechariah, father of Jahaziel

  23. Zechariah, son of Jehoshaphat

  24. Zechariah, prophet in the reign of Uzziah

  25. Zechariah, father of Abijah

  26. Zechariah, of the family of Asaph

  27. Zechariah, ruler of the temple in the reign of Josiah

  28. Zechariah, son of Jeberechiah                     Divider of Saint TaklaHaymanot's website فاصل - موقع الأنبا تكلاهيمانوت

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