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English Bible Dictionary



Five Hebrew names of the genus Asinus occur in the Old Testament.

  • Chamor denotes the male domestic ass.

  • Athon, the common domestic she-ass.

  • Air, the name of a wild ass, which occurs (Genesis 32:15; 49:11)

  • Pere, a species of wild ass mentioned (Genesis 12:16)

  • Arod occurs only in (Job 39:5) but in what respect it differs from the Pere is uncertain. The ass in eastern countries is a very different animal from what he is in western Europe. The most noble and honorable amongst the Jews were wont to be mounted on asses. (With us the ass is a symbol of stubbornness and stupidity, while in the East it is especially remarkable for its patience, gentleness, intelligence, meek submission and great power of endurance."--L. Abbott. The color is usually a reddish brown, but there are white asses, which are much prized, and you can find more about that here on on other commentaries and dictionary entries.The ass was the animal of peace as the horse was the animal of war; hence the appropriateness of Christ in his triumphal entry riding on an ass. The wild ass is a beautiful animal: ED.) Mr. Lavard remarks that in fleetness the wild ass (Asinus hemippus) equals the gazelle and to overtake it is a feat which only one or two of the most celebrated mares have been known to accomplish.                     Divider of Saint TaklaHaymanot's website فاصل - موقع الأنبا تكلاهيمانوت

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