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From The Depth Of My Heart Lyrics

I called upon You, from the depth of my heart,
My Lord Jesus Christ help me.

Release from me, the bonds of sin.
0 My Lord Jesus help me.

Overshadow me, with the shadow of Your wings.
My Lord Jesus Christ help me.

Hasten 0 my God, and save me.
0 My Lord Jesus help me.

Everything, bows down before You.
My Lord Jesus Christ help me.

All of my sins, 0 God take away from me.
0 My Lord Jesus help me.

Create in me, a Holy life.
My Lord Jesus Christ help me.

Your Holy Spirit, cast not away from me.
0 My Lord Jesus help me.

Incline your ear to me, and hear me quickly.
My Lord Jesus Christ help me.

Set before me, the way of Your righteousness.
0 My Lord Jesus help me.

Your Kingdom 0 my God, is an everlasting kingdom.
My Lord Jesus Christ help me.

Have patience on me, and destroy me not speedily.
0 My Lord Jesus help me.

I wake up at dawn, that I may praise your name.
0 My Lord Jesus Christ help me.

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