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Forgive Me My Lord Lyrics

R- And I come to You Lord,

In tears I knock Your door.

My heart as with a sword

Bleeds for the sin I had

Forgive me, forgive me, O my Lord.

1- I slipped and sinned, and in wickedness

Fooled and erred, I await Your mercies.

Your love endures, forever You choose

To seek the wretched wherever he goes.

Here I come, here I come! (2)

2- In my worst plight You came to redeem me.

Your Devine light guides and consoles me.

You bent and picked me, Your mercy hugged me,

Kindly secured me and cared for me.

Here I come, here I come! (2)

3- A broken heart You are not despising;

A contrite soul You are not forsaking.

Countless as raindrops, deep as the sea depths

Are Your eternal mercies and Your loving kindness.

Here I come, here I come! (2)

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