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Coptic Synaxarium (Coptic Orthodox Calendar)

5) Touba Month
(First Egyptian Month -5- Tobi)

Tobi also known as Touba is the fifth month of the Coptic calendar. It lies between January 9 and February 7 of the Gregorian calendar. The month of Tobi is also the first month of the Season of 'Proyet' (Growth) in Ancient Egypt, where the Nile floods recede and the crops start to grow throughout the land of Egypt. The name of the month of Tobi comes from Amso Khem, a form of the Ancient Egyptian God Amun Ra. The Hebrew word tobi means 'goodness'.                     Divider

Commemorations and Anniversaries of the Coptic Month of Tuba
Date Feast / Commemoration
Tubah 1 Martyrdom of St.Stephen the Archdeacon
Martyrdom of St.Lawindianus (Leontius)
Tubah 2 Departure of St.Theonas, the Sixteenth Pope of Alexandria
Martyrdom of St.Callinacus, Bishop of Oseem
Tubah 3 Commemoration of the Slain Children of Bethlehem by the order of King Herod
Tubah 4 Departure of St.John the Evangelist and Theologian
Tubah 5 Martyrdom of St.Eusegnius (Eugenius) the Soldier
Tubah 6 Commemoration of the Circumcision of the Lord Christ
Ascension of Elijah the Prophet
Departure of Marcianus, the Eighth Pope of Alexandria
Departure of St.Basil the Great, Bishop of Caesarea
Tubah 7 Departure of St.Silvester, Pope of Rome
Tubah 8 Consecration of St.Macarius' Church
Departure of St.Andronicus, the Thirty-Seventh Pope of Alexandria
Departure of St.Benjamin, the Thirty-Eighth Pope of Alexandria
Tubah 9 Departure of Abba Abraam, Companion of Abba Gawarga
Tubah 10 Paramone of Holy Theophany (Epiphany)
Tubah 11 Holy Epiphany of Our Lord, God and Savior
Tubah 12 Commemoration Feast of the Archangel Michael 
Martyrdom of St.Theodore El-Mishreke (Of the East)
Martyrdom of St.Anatolius
Tubah 13 Commemoration of the Miracle at Cana of Galilee
Departure of St.Theophilus, the Monk
Martyrdom of St.Demiana
Tubah 14 Departure of St.Archilidis (Arselidas)
Departure of St.Maximus, the Brother of St.Domadius
Tubah 15 Departure of St.Obadiah the Prophet
Tubah 16 Martyrdom of St.Philotheus
Departure of St.John the Fourth, the Forty-Eighth Pope of Alexandria
Tubah 17 Departure of St.Maximus and St.Domatius
Departure of Anba Yusab, Bishop of Girga, Known as El-Abbah
Tubah 18 Departure of St.James, the Bishop of Nisibis
Tubah 19 Discovery of the Relics of St.Abahour (Pihour), St.Bisoura (Pisoura), and Their Mother Ampera (Asra)
Tubah 20 Departure of St.Prochorus, One of the Seventy Disciples
Commemoration of the Consecration of the Church of St.John, the Owner of the Golden Gospel, 
Commemoration of the Transfer of St.John's Relics
Commemoration of the Martyrdom of Anba Behna (Bahnou) and Anba Kloag (Bagoug), the Priest
Tubah 21 Departure of Our Lady,the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God
Departure of St.Hilaria, the Daughter of Emperor Zeno
Departure of St.Gregorius (Gregory of Nyssa), the Brother of St.Basil the Great
Tubah 22 Departure of St.Anthony the Great (Antonius)
Tubah 23 Martyrdom of St.Timothy the Apostle
Departure of Pope Kyrillos (Cyril) the Fourth, the One Hundred and Tenth Pope of Alexandria
Tubah 24 Departure of St.Mary the Ascetic (The Shut-In)
Martyrdom of Anba Bisada the Priest
Tubah 25 Departure of St.Peter the Worshipper
Martyrdom of St.Askala (Asela) the Fighter
Tubah 26 Martyrdom of the Forty-Nine Saints, the Elders of Sheheat (Scetis)
Departure of St.Anastasia
Tubah 27 Martyrdom of St.Sarapion
Commemoration of the Archangel Suriel
Relocation of the Relics of St.Timothy the Apostle
Martyrdom of St.Abe-Fam the Soldier (St.Phoebammon)
Tubah 28 Martyrdom of St.Clement
Martyrdom of St.Anba Kaou
Tubah 29 Departure of St.Eskani (St.Xene)
Commemoration of St.Seriakos (Syriacus) the Fighter
Tubah 30 Martyrdom of Saints Pistis, Helpis, Agape and Their Mother Sophia

Index of Coptic Months:
Toot - Baba - Hatoor - Kiahk - Toba - Amshir - Baramhat - Bermoda - Bashans - Baoona - Abib - Mesra -

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