1 El Nasiy
(The First Day of the Blessed Month of El-Nasi)

1. On this day, St. Eutychus, the disciple of
St. John the Evangelist, departed. After he spent some time with the apostle,
Eutychus asked for his permission to go to St. Paul, the Apostle, and St. John
allowed him. He went to St. Paul and preached the Name of Christ with him, and
returned many of the Jews and the pagans to the Lord Christ and baptized them.
He converted temples of idols to churches, and he endured tribulations,
imprisonment, and beatings for many days. He was cast in the fire, but he was
not harmed, and was cast to the lions, which did not harm him but rather became
friendly towards him. He went to Sebastia and preached there, and the angel of
the Lord was with him and strengthened him.
It was said, that this saint was the young man who sat
in a window and "was sinking into a deep sleep. He was overcome by sleep; and as
Paul continued speaking, he fell down from the third story and was taken up
dead," and St. Paul raised him with his prayers. (Acts
May his blessings be with us. Amen.

2. On this day also, St. Pishay (Abshai), the
brother of St. Bahor (Abba Hor - St. Hour), was martyred. He was from the city
of Antioch, and because of his piety and knowledge, he was ordained a priest.
When his brother, Abba Hour, and his mother went to Alexandria, they were
martyred on the twenty-ninth of the month of Baounah. This saint gave all his
possessions to the poor and the needy, and came to Alexandria to be blessed by
their bodies. When he saw the two bodies, he wept much, then went to the
governor and confessed the Lord Christ before him. The governor tortured him
much until he delivered up his pure soul. The governor ordered his body burned
along with the bodies of his brother and his mother, and the bodies of other
martyrs, eighty-eight in number.
Certain believers came and took the bodies of Sts.
Pishay, Abba Hour, their mother, and the bodies of Sts. Tabamoun (Damon), of the
city of Danbak (Debkeya), Abimachus (Bimakos), from the city of El-Baramon, and
Barashenoufah (Wursunufa), of the city of Teliah (Tuluya), and carried them to
the city of Ansabashy (Ablasi), where the believers received them with great
May their prayers be with us and Glory be to our God
forever. Amen.

Days of the month of Pi Kogi Enavot (the Little Month):
1 |
3 |
5 |