5 Baba (The Fifth Day of the Blessed Month of Babah)
The Martyrdom of St. Paul, Patriarch of Constantinople
On this day, St. Paul, Patriarch of Constantinople, was
martyred. He was a disciple of Abba Alexandros, Patriarch of Constantinople. He
was appointed to the patriarchy after the departure of Abba Alexandros. When he
sat on the patriarchal throne, he expelled the followers of the Arian sect from
Constantinople and its surroundings. When Emperor Constantine, the Great, departed, his
three sons reigned after him. Constantine II reigned over Constantinople,
Constans reigned over Rome and Constantius reigned over France. Constantine II
held the same belief as Arius. He was sorry for what Abba Paul had done to the
Arians. He asked him to stop excommunicating them, but the Patriarch did not
listen to him. The Emperor became angry and exiled him from Constantinople as he
had also exiled Abba Athanasius the Apostolic from Alexandria.
The two Patriarchs met in Rome, and went to stand
before Emperor Constans to inform him of their concern. He wrote a letter to his
brother on their behalf, ordering him to accept them and threatened him if he
did not receive them - there would be no peace but war between them. When the
two saints came to Constantinople, they gave the letter to Emperor Constantine,
who accepted his brother's letter and returned them to their Chairs.
However, after the slaying of his brother, Emperor
Constans, in Rome, Constantine II exiled St. Paul again to the country of
Armenia. A few days later, he sent to one of the followers of Arius commanding
him to catch up with St. Paul there and slay him. He went to him at night and
strangled him, thus he received the crown of martyrdom. He stayed four years in
office.His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God, forever.