On this day, the holy father, the Bishop Abba Pisora, was martyred. He was the bishop of the God-loving city of Masil. When Diocletian returned to worshipping the idols and started persecuting the Christians, this holy man longed to shed his blood for the name of Christ. He gathered the people before the altar and commanded them with the commandments of the Lord, and then informed them that he wished to receive the crown of martyrdom for the sake of the name of Christ. They all wept, the young and the old, saying, "To whom will you leave us, Our Father, as orphans?" They wanted to prevent him from doing so, but when they could not, they let him go after he committed them to the Lord Christ. He left them bidding him farewell with much tears.
Three bishops agreed to go with him; they were Pisikhos, Fanalikhos, and Theodore, and they all went together to the city of the governor and confessed the Lord Christ. He tortured them cruelly, especially when he knew that they were bishops and fathers to the Christians. The courageous bishops endured the tortures with patience and the Lord Christ strengthened them. Finally the governor ordered that the heads of the four be cut, and they received the crowns of life in the kingdom of God. The body of Saint Pisora was in the city of Nasheen El-Kanater, Gharbia governorate, and at present is in St. George's Church in Old Cairo.
Their prayers preserve and guard us all, and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.
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