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Christian and Coptic Online Library


This section has some books that cover an issue fully or partially, and it is going to be a growing section. Image: Ancient and old book from a Coptic Orthodox library at one of the Egyptian monasteries صورة في موقع الأنبا تكلا: كتب قديمة وأثرية في مكتبة قبطية أرثوذكسية بأحد الأديرة المصرية Image: Ancient and old book from a Coptic Orthodox library at one of the Egyptian monasteries - Photograph by Michael Ghaly for

صورة في موقع الأنبا تكلا: كتب قديمة وأثرية في مكتبة قبطية أرثوذكسية بأحد الأديرة المصرية - تصوير مايكل غالي لـ: موقع الأنبا تكلا

If you are a publisher, author, or the copyright holder of any Coptic books, and you'd like to have them published here at the Church's website, contact us so we arrange it..  We would like also to our Holy Father the Bishops, Priests and laymen that gave us the permission to publish their works and researches here at  And we noted that in each book or author's page..  Finally we'd like to thank our brothers and sisters that joined our "Online Service", where they help us type and revise the needed books..

There are many more Christian books at the Arabic Christian Library كتب مسيحية عربية section here at


  1. The Holy Bible

  2. Coptic Synaxarium, Coptic Synaxariun by daily event (Daily Synexarium "Saint of the Day")

  3. Katamaros (Daily Church Readings)

  4. H. H. Pope Shenouda III Books

  5. The Incarnation of the Word of God - Saint Athanasius

  6. St. Mary - Pope Sheonda III

  7. Bible Dictionary

  8. Bible Commentaries and Interpretations

  9. Early Church Fathers: Ante-Nicene Fathers | Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers

  10. Dictionary of Coptic Orthodox Church Terms and Terminology

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