Paoni also known as Baona is the tenth month of the Coptic calendar. It lies between June 8 and July 7 of the Gregorian calendar. The month of Paoni is also the second month of the Season of 'Shemu' (Harvest) in Ancient Egypt, where the Egyptians harvest their crops throughout the land of Egypt. The name "Paoni" comes from the original Egyptian designation p3-n-In.t "the (month) of the Valley Festival," a reference to the Beautiful festival of the valley celebrated in Thebes. In the Ethiopian calendar, this month is called Sa"ne.
Index of Coptic Months:
Toot -
Baba -
Hatoor -
Kiahk -
Toba -
Amshir -
Baramhat -
Bermoda -
Baoona -
Abib -
Mesra -
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