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Saint Mary the Virgin
Mother of God

St. Mary Feasts in the Synaxarium | Pope Shenouda's Book on Virgin Mary | Her Life | Holy Virgin and her names | Honoring Her | St. Joseph the carpenter | Glorification | Ya M-R-Y-M Lyrics | Why apparitions in Zaytoun?


St. Mary's Glorification (Coptic - English)


* Ekis-maro-oot alithos nem pekiot enagathos nem pi-epnevma ethouab je ak-i (aktonk) ak-soti emmon.

* Blessed are You : With Your Good Father : And the Holy Spirit : For You have come (risen) and saved us.

* Ekis-maro-oot alithos nem pekiot enagathos nem pi-epnevma ethouab je ak-i (aktonk) ak-soti emmon.

* Blessed are You : With Your Good Father : And the Holy Spirit : For You have come (risen) and saved us.

* Seven times every day : With all my heart : I bless Your Name : O God of everyone

* remembered Your Name : And I was comforted : O King of the ages : And God of all gods

* Jesus Christ : Our true God : Who came for our salvation :

* And took flesh He was incarnate : Of the Holy Spirit : And of Mary The Holy Bride

* And changed our sorrow : And all our afflictions : To joy for our hearts : And rejoicing for all

* Let us worship Him : And sing about : His Mother Mary : The fair dove Image: Saint Mary image صورة في موقع الأنبا تكلا: لوحة القديسة العذراء مريم Image: Saint Mary image

صورة في موقع الأنبا تكلا: لوحة القديسة العذراء مريم

* Let us all proclaim : With the voice of joy saying : “Hail to you O Mary, The Mother of Emmanuel” Shere ne Maria,the salvation of Adam our father : Shere...the mother of the refuge :

* Shere...the rejoicing of Eve : Shere...the joy of all nations

* Shere...the joy of righteous Abel : Shere...the true virgin : Shere...the salvation of Noah Shere...the undefiled

* Shere...the grace of Abraham : Shere...the unfading crown : Shere...the redemption of Isaac the saint : Shere...the Mother of the Holy

* Shere...the rejoicing of Jacob : Shere...myriads of myriads : Shere...the glory of Judah : Shere...the Mother of the Master

* Shere...the preaching of Moses : Shere...the Mother of the Lord : Shere...the honor of Samuel : Shere...the pride of Israel

* Shere...the steadfastness of righteous Job : Shere...the precious stone : Shere...the Mother of the Beloved :

* Shere...the daughter of King David

* Shere...the friend of Solomon : Shere...exaltation of the just : Shere...the deliverance of Isaiah : Shere...the healing of Jeremiah

* Shere...the knowledge of Ezekiel : Shere...the gift of Daniel : Shere...the power of Elijah : Shere...the grace of Elisha

* Shere...the Mother of God : Shere...the Mother of Jesus Christ : Shere...the fair dove : Shere...the Mother of the Son of God

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