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Saint Mary the Virgin
Mother of God

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Ya M-R-Y-M Arabic Spiritual Song


The transliteration of the Arabic version of this popular Kiakh hymn (written in English so that you can follow along in Arabic), along with an English translation.


Transliteration of the Arabic in English Image: Saint Mary Theotokos, an old icon. صورة في موقع الأنبا تكلا: القديسة العذراء مريم والدة الإله، أيقونة قديمة. Image: Saint Mary Theotokos, an old icon.

صورة في موقع الأنبا تكلا: القديسة العذراء مريم والدة الإله، أيقونة قديمة.

Ya meem reh yeh meem, ya set el-abkar, qad nelty ta3zeem, men noor el-anwar, wa wohebty ta3zeem, men 3endoo qad sar, wa 7amalty al-khaleq, man za la ya7tar.

Qad serty o3gooba, lel ro2sa2 amthal, dorrah ma7gooba , wa fi el-engeel qad qal, yo3tonek el-tooba, fi kol al-gial, ya ebna youaqeem, qad foqty el-cheroubim.

Man nal nelty, ya om el-ra7ma, wa anty qaad serty mamloo2a ne3ma, wa lel lahot serty, 7egaban lel-kalema, wa a7tar fik arbab al-tafheem.

Ya taboot el-3ahde, ya magmaret Haroun ya ro7 el-magd ya ebnat Sehioun, ya noor el-3oyoon beky nas3adoo, wa na7za bel-na3eem ya mamlou2a ne3ma.

Ya mamlou2a ne3ma, anty el-7esn el-7aseen, anty kanz el-ra7ma ya 3awn al-masakeen, be-ebnek zalet el naqma, ya sahfi3at el-qedisin, shafi3etna fil-za7ma ya om el-ra7im.

Noqadem laky a-ta3zeem, ya set el-abkar, ya ebnat Yowaqim, ya korseyan mokhtar, wel-mawlood menky karim, azal 3anna ‘l-3ar al-elah el-3azeem, khalek el ad-har.

Ya zen el-abkar, ya qods el-a7bar, ya tohr el-at-har, ya noor el-anwar, ya kanz ‘l-ne3ma, ya om el-ra7ma, anty heya ‘l-karma, al-mamlou2a athmar.

Ya ebnat Yowaqim, qad nelty al-ta3zeem, anty heya Orshaleem, th(z)at al-magd wal fakhar, anty heya Sehioun, ya gawharan maknoon, fakakty el-masgoon, men yad el-makar.

Ebnek khalas Adam, el-khaty el-nadem, we 3ataq el-3alam, men kol el-adrar, rabek men soghrek, lamma ra2a tohrek, qad tayab th(z)ekrek, fi kol el-aqtar.

Arsal laky Ghabrial, bemo7kam el aqwal, wa basharek eth(z) qal, Allaho laky ekhtar, ro7 qodsoh malaky, wa sakan fi a7shaky, ya 3adra toobaky, fi kol el a3sar.

An gher el-ma7soos, al-rab el qodoos, menky ata wa do3aya Isoos, wa nazarat-ho el-absar, Mousa ra2a ‘l-3awsag, wal-nar fihi tata-2gag, wa aghsanoh tatawahag, ma darat-ho ‘nar.

Ena ma ra2at-ho ‘l-3aynan, moltaheban bel-niran, fi el-3awsag wal-aghsan, heya Mariam zenat el-abkar, wel-nar heya Isoos, al-rab e’-qodoos, mo3tina ‘l-namoos, maktooban fil-a7gar.

Fi Ash3eya qad qeel, 3an haza ‘l-ta2weel, taled 3emanou2eel (Emanuel), al-malek el-gabar, wa 7azqeyal ra2a bab, dakhal feeh rab el-arbab, wa khetm el-bab mohab, 3alya e’-meqdar.

3alen howa qadrek, le2an yasoo3 ebnek, lamma woled mennek, tazayanat el-amsar, wa aydan Danial, tanaba2 7aytho qal, ra2ayto ‘l-korsy el-3al, 3aleya el meqdar.

Nazarto fo2 el-arkan, shebh ebn el-ensan, wa laho ‘l-soltan, 3ala kol el aqtar, wa howa rabo ‘qowat, wa men 7awloh taghamat, oloof wa rabawat, men 3ezamen wa waqar.

Ya ebnat Yowaqim, foqt el-karoubim, aydan el-serafaim, wa kol el-aba2 el-abrar, menky ga2 el-mawlood a’-rab el-ma3bood, yamda7 fiki Dawood, bel-3asharat awtar.

El-watar el-awal, qawlon mobagal, wel-3adra ta7bal, bel-malek el-gabar, el-watar el-thany, Dawood fil-tahany, yoratel bel-al7an, ma3 darb el-qithar.

Wel-thaleth ya ‘bna, anty mo2tamana, bel-noor moshtamala, wal-rabo laky ekhtar, el-watar el-rabe3, esghy ya same3, th(z)a qawlon sha2e3, fi kol el-aqtar.

Wel-khames khabar, 7amama heya tazhar, bel-th(z)ahab el-asfar, 3ala menkabayha sar, wel-sades qal fih, qawlan ma akhfih, lakeny arweeh, wa osh-heraho eg-har.

Wel-sabe3 eth(z) qal, ya gabal Allah el-3al, tagasad menky ‘l-mota3al, bela shak wala enkar, wel-thamen ranam, lel-3adra Mariam, ekhtarha ‘l-mo3azam wa kallalha bel-fakhar.

El-tase3 qal 3anha, yazhar 7aqan menha, al-Elah wa howa ebnaha, wal-bokooreya fi 7efzen wa waqar, El-watar el-3asher, Allah el-qader, fi Sehioun zaher, maskan el-abrar.

Lam yowgad fi el-dahr, methlek ayatoha ‘l-bekr, le2anek fakakty el-asr, 3an Adam wal-3ar, ya sayedet el-akwan, ya fakhr el-eiman, ana 3abdek 7ayran, gharek fil-awzar.

3alen howa qadrek, la tatroky 3abdek (ya mariam), qasdy men ebnek, 3etqan men el-nar, le2anaky kher man yeshfa3, wa lel-do3a yesma3, we 3ana yedfa3, darabat el-makar.

Qom enhad ya meskeen, wa ‘lbes thob el-yaqeen, wa qol amin amin, fa heya tashfa3 fil-7odar, wal-nazem el-meskeen, made7ha fi kol 7in maloh yom el-din, sewa sayedet el-abkar.


Key: 3= Ain “A” or “E” as in Adel  - 7= hah “H” as in Hosny  - 2=Hamza (stressed vowel) as in Wa2el


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English translation

graciously translated and recorded by members of HCOC. May God bless their service.

O Mary, Lady of virgins, you attained greatness, from the True Light, You were exalted, by the Lord Himself, you bore the Creator, O what a great marvel!

Wondrous among nations, wisdom to rulers, a hidden gem, and the gospel spoke of you: They give you blessings, in all generations, O daughter of Joachim, exalted above the Cherubim.

You attained what no one could, O Mother of the Mercy, and you became, filled with grace, To the Divine you became, a veil for the Word, and greatly marveled, were you among the scholars.

O tabernacle of the covenant, O censer of Aaron, O spirit of glory, O daughter of Zion, O the light of eyes, with you we rejoice, and abide in grace, O full of grace.

O full of grace, the fortifying fortress, the jewel of mercy, the aid of the poor, Your son has purged death, O the intercessor of saints, intercede for us, O Mother of Mercy.

Hail to you, O Lady of virgins, O daughter of Joachim, the chosen throne, Righteous is your Son, He purged our shame, the glorious God, the Creator of ages.

The adornment of virgins, the holy Mother, the purity of the pure, O light of lights, O jewel of grace, O Mother of Mercy, truly you are the vine, filled and bearing fruit.

O daughter of Joachim, you attained greatness, you are Jerusalem, glorious and honored, You are Zion, O precious jewel, you released the captive, from the Deceiver’s hand.

Your son saved Adam, the repentant sinner, humanity He set free, from all adversaries, The Lord from your childhood, witnessed your purity, and therefore has blessed you, before all nations.

He sent you Gabriel, the Messenger of His words, and greeted you saying, “The Lord has chosen you, His Holy Spirit, filled and dwelt within you, blessed are you O Virgin, throughout all ages."

The Unseen and Holy, was born from you, and was called Jesus, for all eyes to see, Moses saw the bush, blazing with fire, its branches flaming, yet the bush was not consumed.

The blazing bush, which Moses had seen, was indeed Mary, the adornment of virgins, The fire is Jesus, the Holy Lord, who gave us the Law, engraved in stone.

Isaiah prophesied, about the birth, of Emmanuel, the Almighty King, Ezekiel saw a door, through which the Lord entered, He sealed the door and claimed it, highly exalted.

Highly exalted are you, and your Son Jesus, when He was born of you, the earth was adorned, And also Daniel, prophesied and said, “I saw the high throne, highly exalted.

In the firmaments high I saw, one like the Son of Man, who has dominion, over all the earth, He is the Lord of Hosts, around Him are the ranks, thousands and myriads, glorifying in reverence.”

O daughter of Joachim, you are exalted above, the Cherubim and Seraphim, and all righteous fathers, The Lord was born from you, and David praises you, with his harp he sings, playing its ten strings.

The sound of the first string, is in honor of your name, the Virgin will carry, the Almighty King, And with the second string, David rejoices, chanting with hymns, while playing his harp.

And the third O daughter, because you were faithful, you were filled with light, and the Lord chose you, The fourth string is sounded, so that all can hear, of her who is praised, all over the world.

The fifth is a sign of hope, as a dove she appears, with Ophir gold, upon her shoulders, With the sixth he sung, praises I will not hide, but I will praise with him, and proclaim to all.

With the seventh string he said, O mountain of the High God, the High took flesh from you, without a doubt, And with the eighth he sang, to the Virgin Mary, the Great chose her, and crowned her with honor.

With the ninth string he said, from her will surely come, God her son, who sealed her virginity, With the tenth he sang, the Powerful God, in Zion he appeared, the dwelling of the righteous.

There isn’t in all ages, anyone like you O Virgin, for you released the chains, and shame of Adam, O Lady of the creation, the pride of faith, your servant is in need, drowning because of sins.

Intercede for me, do not leave your servant, ask your son to save me, from the fire, For your intercession, is heard and accepted, and He defends from the attacks, of the adversary.

Arise O poor one, and clothe yourself in faith, and say Amen Amen, for us she intercedes, The persistent servant, will always praise her, for by his side that Day, the Lady of virgins shall be.

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