All photographs by Michael Ghaly for, April-June 2008
Houses منازل
The ground الأرضية
Beautiful trees أشجار جميلة
Getting windy بدأت عاصفة
A small Ethiopian house منزل حبشي صغير
A huge tree شجرة ضخمة
Debre Damo mountain جبل دير ديبرا دامو
The new Church of St. Takla
Himanot at the foot of the mountain of DebreDamo
We did climb that..
about 40-45 meters walking, and 15-25 meters climbing by ropes
Houses around the mountain منازل حول الجبل
Part 5: |
![]() 239- The deserts around the monastery الصحارى حول الدير |
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