All photographs by Michael Ghaly for, April-June 2008
Inside the Fasil Bath, where
it gets filled each year in January during the Timcat festival
(Baptism of Jesus)
Wooden work أعمال خشبية
Seeds in a flower بذور على شكل وردة
Under the castle تحت القلعة
In the middle في المنتصف
All this is filled with
water from a nearby river during the Ethiopian Timkat Festival
Last look at the beautiful roots آخر نظرة على الجذور الجميلة
Fasil's Castle قصر فاسيل
Spider webs شباك عناكب
The Palace of King Facil قصر الملك فاسيل
Part 5: |
![]() St. Takla Himanot Church, Piassa 1 كنيسة القديس تكلاهيمانوت، بياسا |
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