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An Exegetical Study of the Holy Bible - Commentaries on the New Testament: by St. Mark Church, Heliopolis

The Ecclesiastical Encyclopedia: New Testament expositions


We would like to thank St. Mark Coptic Orthodox Church (in Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt), for allowing us at to publish these books here, for the benefit of all Christians worldwide.

The books are originally translated from Arabic (سلسلة الموسوعة الكنسية لتفسير الكتاب المقدس), and the rest would be published here as soon as they are available.

Many Coptic servants worldwide suffer in finding good, reliable and brief resources for Bible commentaries (especially English Coptic Orthodox Bible Commentary), and this series "The Ecclesiastical Encyclopedia for Old and New Testaments expositions" do just that.


New Testament expositions:

  1. Commentary on the Gospel of St. Matthew
  2. Commentary on the Gospel St. Mark
  3. Commentary on the Gospel of St. Luke
  4. Commentary on the Gospel of St. John
  5. Commentary on the Book of Acts
  6. Commentary on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Hebrews


P. S.:                     Divider of Saint TaklaHaymanot's website فاصل - موقع الأنبا تكلاهيمانوت

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