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Short Stories (Stories for the Youth), book by Father Tadros Yacoub Malaty

382- Gold or Stones


Sally noticed that her son was very miserly. He used to save all his money without buying even the essentials. Whenever Marian bought food he would ask her to let him taste so as not to buy for himself. Therefore, Sally told him the following story: Image: Gold bars صورة في موقع الأنبا تكلا: قضبان ذهب، سبائك ذهبية Image: Gold bars.

صورة في موقع الأنبا تكلا: قضبان ذهب، سبائك ذهبية.

One of the rich men of Memphis (An ancient city of Egypt south of Cairo.) was very miserly. He had a large amount of gold which he hid in a hole lest any one steal it. Every morning, he used to check on it. However, once a thief saw him and stole the gold after he left. The following day, the rich man noticed that his gold was stolen. He almost broke down. A friend of his said to him, "Don't be upset. You can put some small stones and imagine that they’re gold and come to see them everyday. What's the difference between the gold and the stones when you aren't using the gold for your interest or that of your brethren?

→ English translation of the story here at ذهب أم حجارة. Divider

Lord, grant me to possess You,

For, You are my Treasure and my Riches.

When I possess You, my heart would desire nothing.

Let me use all my possessions for my brethren's edification and mine.

Let me not bury my talents in the dust of laziness,

But kindle them with Your Holy Spirit.

Neither gold nor talents has value,

Except in being used.

When I hide them they become dust,

But when You use them, they become a real treasure for me.

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