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Wednesday, 27th March 2019 --- 18 Baramhat 1735

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Day 18 of the Blessed Coptic Month of Baramhat, may God make it always received, year after year, with reassurance and tranquility, while our sins after forgiven by the tender mercies of our God my fathers and brothers.

The Eighteenth Day of the Blessed Month of Baramhat

Martyrdom of St.Isidore, Friend of Sina the Soldier

      On this day St. Isidore the companion of Sina the soldier was martyred. Sina, who was a native of the city of Deknash, was one of the soldiers who accompanied the Governor of Farma. St. Isidore was his friend and he was working as wool maker. Both of them gave alms to the poor and needy with what they earned. One night both saw a vision and it seemed to them that a virgin came to them with crowns which she placed on their heads. When they woke up from their sleep they told each other about what they had seen, and they rejoiced greatly as they believed that the Lord had called them to receive the crown of martyrdom. They went to the Governor and sina unbound the soldier's girdle and cast it down before him and they both confessed the Lord Christ. He ordered their detention but God sent His angel and comforted them. The Governor sent St. Sina to Alexandria and St. Isidore remained prisoner alone. After a short period St. Sina was returned back to the Farma and St. Isidore rejoiced at meeting his friend, and they told each other what had happened to them. The Governor tortured them severely and ordered St. Isidore to be cast into a pit with fire therein. St. Isidore asked the soldier to wait and he prayed asking our Lord Christ to accept his soul and to care for his body. He gave himself to the soldiers and they threw him into the pit but his body was not harmed in any way by the fire. The mother of St. Sina was weeping for her son because of his separation from his friend. After a short while St. Isidore delivered up his soul and at that time the mother of St. Sina saw a multitude of angels carrying away St. Isidore's soul.

May his intercession be with us and glory be to God fore ever. Amen.

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