Daily Bible Reading

1 Samuel 17 : 20

So David rose early in the morning, left the sheep with a keeper, and took the things and went as Jesse had commanded him. And he came to the camp as the army was going out to the fight and shouting for the battle.

See Complete Chapter :17

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القراءات اليومية

1 صموئيل 17 : 8

فوقف ونادى صفوف إسرائيل وقال لهم : لماذا تخرجون لتصطفوا للحرب ؟ أما أنا الفلسطيني ، وأنتم عبيد لشاول ؟ اختاروا لأنفسكم رجلا ولينزل إلي

يرى فصل كامل :17


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