Daily Bible Reading

Judges 16 : 17

that he told her all his heart, and said to her, "No razor has ever come upon my head, for I have been a Nazirite to God from my mother's womb. If I am shaven, then my strength will leave me, and I shall become weak, and be like any other man."

See Complete Chapter :16

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القراءات اليومية

قضاة 16 : 25

وكان لما طابت قلوبهم أنهم قالوا : ادعوا شمشون ليلعب لنا . فدعوا شمشون من بيت السجن ، فلعب أمامهم . وأوقفوه بين الأعمدة

يرى فصل كامل :16


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