The Holy Bible

Interesting Facts

Wyciffe made the first English translation of the Bible in 1384.
First American edition of the Bible in English was published in 1752.
The Bible in whole or in part has been translated into more than 918 different languages and dialects, about 500 of which are in current use.
There is such a hunger for God's Word that in 1930 there were 37,000,000 volumes of the Bible issued throughout the world.

Old Testament has 39 books and the middle Book is : Proverbs
New Testament has 27 books and the middle Book is : 2 Thessalonians' .
Most dramatic book is : Job
Book in which the word "God" does not appear is : Esther, Song of Solomon(A.V.)

Old Testament has : 929
Middle chapter of Old Testament is : Job 29
New Testament has : 260
Middle chapter of New Testament is : Romans 13,14
Middle and shortest chapter..117th Psalms
Longest chapter..119th Psalms
Grandest chapter.. Acts 26
Most comforting chapter.. Psalms 23
Alike chapters.............. 19th 0f 2 Kings and 37th of Isaiah
Love chapter.............................................. 1 Corinthians 13
Faith chapter.............................................. Hebrews 11
Home chapter............................................ John 14
Fatherhood chapter.................................... Luke 15

Father of....................................................2 Chronicles 11:21

Man shaving himself................................... Genesis 41:14
Courtship by proxy.................................... Genesis 24:15
........................................... Genesis 24:64,65
A screech owl............................................ Isaiah 34:14
First Negro convert.................................... Acts 8:27-39
Left handed man........................................ Judges 3:15
Samson's riddle.......................................... Judges 14:13,14
Woman paints her face............................... 2 Kings 9:30
First scripture song..................................... Exodus 15
Highway robbers........................................ Judges 9:25
Army smitten blind...................................... Judges 6:18

Old Testament has : 2,728,100
New Testament has : 838,380
All letters except "J" in................................ Ezra 7:21

Who shall not go to heaven......................... 1 Corinthians 6: 9,10
What 20th century Christians should be like. Psalms 15

Old Testament has : 23,145
New Testament has : 7,979
Middle verse is : Psalms 118:8
Middle verse Old Testament is : === 2 Chronicles 20:17
Middle verse New Testament is : Acts 7:17
Shortest verse Old Testament is : 1 Chronicles 1:25
Shortest verse New Testament is : John 11:35
Longest verse in Bible is : Esther 8:9
Same Ending verses are : Psalms 107:8, 15, 21, 31
Most precious in all literature is :John 3:16

Model....................................................... Proverbs 31:10-31
Seven want same man................................ Isaiah 4:1

Old Testament has: 35,543
New Testament has: 10,684
"Father" (Fathers', Fathers, Father's).......... 1,500 times
"Mother" (Mothers', Mothers, Mother's).... 325 times
"Boy" (Boys)............................................. 3 times
"Girl" (Girls)............................................... 2 times
"Lord"....................................................... 7,736 times
"God"........................................................ 4,370 times
Most sublime words in all literature............. Genesis 1:3
Longest word ("Mahershalalhashbaz")........ Isaiah 8:1


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