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El Habashy Scouts

St Takla Scouts Logo (added 6 wings to the original Scouts logo)

 * The Start:

    Some servants at the church thought of the idea, and started already few attempts, but none prevailed...

   The real start of the scouts that made a big difference in the church services, was through 4 servants (they are still leaders till now, and they started the first meeting at 17/1/1997.

    The idea was a success, and is still..  As there are some graduate leaders too.. and more to come.

# At the beginning they were about 25 (Jan. 1997).

    Now the total is about 75, in addition to 15 leaders.


    There are three main targets for the scouts:

1- Serving the Church: This is considered the main aim, where the scouts tend to meet the needs of service at church, and arranging some more church activities.

2- Making a useful activity which attracts young youth and helping them take a good advantage of their time, and help the church.

3- Teaching youth and kids to depend on themselves and gain virtues through the principles and rules of the Scouts..

And there are much more objectives like general service in many fields as well.


* Scouts Activities:

    There are many activities for the scouts, in both the local and the external fields:

- Local: The services that are arranged inside the church and for it:

a- Arranging many church activities like St. Takla's feast celebrations and some other celebrations.

b- A yearly exhibition  for the Scouts, mainly at St. Takla's feasts.

c- Arranging the "Child Week" which is hosted annually by the church (for all Alexandria churches).

- External:

a- Blood Donation Campaigns: For the needy from any church.. and the sick who need large amounts of blood in a regular basis..

b- The Marathon: A yearly marathon in summer (mainly in July).



- First meeting: 17/1/1997

- First camp: 11/6/1997

- Number of blood donation campaigns that has been held before: 8

* We started arranging yearly blood donation campaigns from Sept. 1998, and arranged an extra one in Feb. 2003.

 * Number of blood donors in order: 42 - 110 - 120 - 160 - 91 - 81

* Number of Marathons: 6

    - In July, starting from 1998.

    - Number of runners:

* Camps: In Jan. of every year starting in 1999

- Jan. 1999    : Siwa

- Jan. 2000    : Luxor and Aswan

- Jan 2001    : Siwa

- Jan 2002    : Luxor and Aswan

# In addition to the Training Camps at King Mariout and the Vow Celebrations.


# In addition to arranging different church activities, the Scouts arranged the previous celebration for the inauguration of Saint Takla Haymanot Hospital, which was attended by H. H. Pope Shenouda III and his Excellency Mohammed Abdel Salam El Mahgoub, Alexandria governor


# Setting up leaders: With the Regional Scouts Organization.

The certificate contains of:

- Preparatory    : Jan 2001

- Primary          : Feb 2003

Related pages and links

* Scouts gallery for some activities

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