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Online Coptic Prayer Book

Absolution of the Priests


We ask You, O Master Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, existing in Light before all ages, Light of Light: Enlighten O Lord, our minds and hearts and shine on our understanding, that we may understand your life-giving word. Raise us from darkness of sin that kills the soul. Make us worthy to be upright in doing good and righteousness.

At the time of Your awesome second coming to judge the world, make us worthy of hearing the voice full of happiness, gladness, comfort and joy from Your Divine mouth saying, “Come you, blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” (Mat­thew 25:34). Yes, O Lord, help us to be on that day and in that hour without fear or blemish or terror or falling or straying. Do not condemn us, O Lord, for the multitude of our sins. Forgive us, O Lord, all our transgressions, iniquities, mistakes and shortcomings.

Take away from us and from the whole world death, inflation, plagues, destruction, evacuation, the sword of enemies, the conspiracy of devils, the evil of fire and drowning, the fight of evil-doers, the deception of the wicked, and the injustice of the ruler. Abolish from us the conspiracy of those who are opposing us. O God, You are our Lord and our God; have compassion onus and do not throw us in the seas of destruction or the paths of punish­ment, but deliver us and keep us and cover us and raise us from our boredom, slothfulness and lazi­ness. Do not let our enemy, the devil, deceive us by false hopes, but alert our minds awl wake up our hearts from the sleep of carelessness and wasting life in vain. O God, forsake our sins. Forgive our iniquities. Do not remember our trespasses. Do not get angry with us, and do not let Your anger endure forever.

Have mercy onus, O Lord, and have mercy on us, for we are weak and poor and drowning in the sea of sins. We cry unto You; we worship You; we claim You; we entreat You: Do not dash, O Lord, our hope in Your mercy. Do not shut the door of Your mercy in our faces. Graciously save us awl lead us to Your mercy. Make us to hear Your joyful voice.

Absolution of the Priests O God, purify us and sanctify our hearts from evil, defiled, and bad thoughts. Abolish from us, O Lord, and from all Your people, all devilish dreams and illusions. Raise us, O God, from every fall am affliction. Confirm in us, O God, patience and hope and love and the orthodox faith Count us with Your sheep at Your right hand. Set us down with those who sit at Your heavenly banquet Forgive us every iniquity, trespass am sin. Fortify us with the strength of Your heavenly angels of light, for we have no salvation except through Your grace and our trust and belief and hope in You.

Accept from us, O Lord, our supplication at this present time and at all times. All those who have bidden and asked us to remember them in prayers, liturgies, and commemorations, the living and the dead, remember them, along with us, O Lord, for that which is good in the heavenly Jerusalem, in the kingdom of heaven.

Blot out, O Lord, our trespasses. As for those who have trespassed against us, forgive them am us. Through Your mercy, O Lord, save the souls of us all. O Lord, save Your people. Bless Your inheritance. Shepherd them and raise them up forever. Save all those who are in afflictions, tabulations or sorrows. Release those who are captive by the bonds of the devils. Satisfy the hungry with good things. Comfort those who are sad in the heart and soul. Raise the fallen. Confirm the upright. Bring back those who have strayed. Support the widows and orphans. Help the needy. Give bless­ing to the fruits of the earth, good temper to the air, growth to the trees and full measure to the rivers. Bless dew and rain.

Give contentment to the poor. Pay for the debt­ors. Gather together the dispersed. Accept the re­pentance of the repentant. Receive the confession of the confessors. Give understanding to the cate­chumens. Judge, O Lord, for the oppresses. Fill our hearts with happiness, gladness, comfort and joy that we, having sufficiency in everything, always may abound in good and acceptable deeds. Bless,

0 Lord, the harvest with Your heavenly blessings. Bless the crown of this year with Your goodness. Bless, O Lord, those who sow and plant and reap, as You blessed for the children of Israel the harvest of the sixth year. Bless, O Lord, this, our congre­gation and all congregations of the orthodox peo­ple.

Keep for us and upon us the life and primacy of our master and father the Patriarch Pope Abba (....), the patriarch of this time; save him, O Lord, and save his people from all afflictions, tempta­tions, and hardships, along with his partners in the apostolic service, our fathers the metropolitans, our fathers the bishops, our fathers the hegomens, our fathers the priests, our brothers the deacons, our fathers the monks and our brethren the laymen.

As for those who came now, attending am participating with us in this prayers and all orthodox prayers, asking forgiveness of their sins awl mercy for their souls, bless us and bless them; absolve us and absolve them; forgive us and them our sins, in the past and in the future, the personal and imper­sonal, the sins of the day and sins of the night, the hidden and manifest. Keep O Lord, the liveliness of holy orthodox congregations, churches and monasteries, am the elders who live in them, and those who are serving them, those who are manag­ing them and those who are dwelling in them. Put security, peace, love and stability among them. Subdue the evil enemy under their feet and our feet. Do not allow him to have any part in them or in us, neither by the left attack or the right attack. Keep them with Your most high hand and strong arm. Deliver us, O my Master, from bad temptations am traps that are set, seen or unseen.

Remember, O Lord, our fathers, our mothers, our brethren, our families, our relatives, our teach­ers, our spiritual and natural children, and all of the children of baptism. Remember, O Lord, those from whom we ate and drank of their effort and labor, and who sheltered us in their houses awl gave us from their hands. Reward them, O Lord, and give them the incorruptible instead of the corruptible, the heavenly instead of the earthly. Fill their houses and stores with all good things. Re­ward them, O Lord, thirty-fold, sixty-fold and a hundred-fold, along with the forgiveness of their sins in the kingdom of heaven. Remember O Lord, those who give alms to us or to our brethren the needy in all forms of charity, for loving You awl honoring Your holy name; bless them Remember, O Lord, those who care for the sacrifices, obla­tions, donations, wine, oil, first-fruits, incense, coverings, vows, books and all altar vessels; re­ward them0Lord, for their gifts by the forgiveness of their sins. Grant them the happy life in this present age, and the eternal life in the age to come.

Remember, O Lord, our fathers and brethren who have already fallen asleep and reposed in the right faith, repose 0, Lord, all their souls in the bosoms of our fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, in the region of the living, in the heavenly Jerusa­lem. As for us, the living, help us for the salvation of our souls. Manage our lives according to Your good will. Graciously, O Lord, remember my ab­ject self, my poverty, and my weakness. I, the sinner and miserable, who is not worthy to stand in Your presence for the multitude of my sins and

iniquities, do not reject me.

Raise, O Lord, a horn of salvation for your people by the sign of Your life-giving cross. Grant O Lord, Your relief during tribulations, Your help during hardships and disasters. Save us, O Lord, and save all those who are in distress. Heal the sick of Your people. Make, O Lord, Your Christian people, those who are present with us, and those who are absent, to be blessed and absolved from Your divine mouth, from the rising of the sun to its setting, and from the north to the south. Accept us unto You, as You accepted the thief on the right hand while You were on the tree of the cross, am granted him the paradise of joy.

Remember, O Lord, the orphans, the widows, the isolated, the handicapped, and those who have no one to mention them; remember them and us, O Lord, in the heavenly Jerusalem. Remember O Lord, those who are standing up or sitting down, or laying down or ejected; those who are traveling by land, sea or air, in rough or smooth ways, in valleys, roadways, mountaintops, hills or caves, those who are in dungeons or prisons, and those who are in exile or captivity, awl those who are held in the bondage of authorities and devils; de­liver them. Bring them back and get them all into the haven, safe, winners, satisfied, am healthy in soul, body and spirit.

Grant, My Lord Jesus Christ, that this, our prayer, be acceptable to You, without hypocrisy, pride, haughtiness or blemish. Help us, O God, to please You. Help us to follow Your command­ments. Help us to encounter the pangs of death, before death and after death, for You are good God, long-suffering and abundant in mercy am compas­sion. O God, make the door of Your church to be open for us through the ages and until them of all ages. Have mercy on us, O God, according to Your great mercy, through the great intercessor, the source of purity, generosity and blessedness, the lady of us all, the pride of our race, the virgin, the chosen St Mary, the honorable martyr St.

Mark, the evangelist, the apostle am the preacher of the land of Egypt, and all angels, patriarchs, prophets, apostles, martyrs, saints, anchorites, worshippers, hermits, strivers and those who pleased You by their good deeds, from Adam to the end of ages. We worship You, O Holy Trinity, the Father, awl the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and unto the ages of all ages. Amen.

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